"Dark Chocolate Ganache" JQ Heckler and Koch HK416D Gel Ball Blaster [ID Check R18 + Requires Any One Membership: Airsoft, Paintball, or NZDA]

Brand: Hobby Zone

Product Code: JQ416

$529.90 $559.90 529.90

Please read this:

To purchase this item, you must be 18 years of age or older. After completing your purchase, you will receive a Real ID check verification email in your inbox. Check all categories of your inbox, such as your spam, updates, social folders. The link to click and submit your club form will be included at the bottom of that email.

Once you’ve passed the Real ID age verification, we’ll need accredited documentation to confirm your valid membership with one of the following: Airsoft, Paintball, Deer Shooting, or Rifle Club, in order to proceed with shipping the Gel Ball Blaster. 

Thank you for your cooperation


Firing Range: 19-30 meters

Ammo Size: 7 - 8 mm

Bottom Magazine fed.
Removable accessories.
Safety switch.
Automatic firing modes


Length of Blaster Body: 66cm
Length of Scope: 13cm
Length of Short Red Muzzle: 4.5cm
Length of Magazine: 16.5cm
Width of Sling Strap: 5cm

1 x "Dark Chocolate Ganache" JQ Heckler and Koch HK416D Gel Ball Blaster
1 x Swag Storage Bag
1 x Small Sachet of Already Soaked Up White Gel Balls
1 x Bottom Fed Magazine
1 x 7.4 Volt Rechargeable Battery 1800mah (3 pin connector)
1 x USB Charging Cable
1 x Scope
1 x Safety Glasses
1 x Wide Shoulder Sling Strap
1 x Short Red Muzzle
1 x Short Black Muzzle
1 x Extremely thin and mini L-shaped Hex Key