If you love swords - whether replicas, attire, or sword art and online swords from the worlds of anime, cosplay, or the fantastic visions of your favourite artists - you need to contact us today. For the last eight years, Hobby Zone has been New Zealand's leading purveyor of sword art and online swords. Browse our online collection, and you will find a treasure trove of replica swords and works by leading artists.

In addition to offering sword art and replica swords for sale online, we are prominent exhibitors at Armageddon Expo, New Zealand's largest pop culture event. Avid fans ourselves, we are excited to be a part of the cosplay universe, in which fans outfit themselves in the attire and weaponry of their favourite heroes and embark upon adventures of the imagination with their friends and fellow adventurers.

Hobby Zone can be the virtual "arsenal" for your next cosplay quest, but our wide selection of online art allows you to surround yourself in the world of your adventures during your downtime as well. Our online gallery includes movie merchandise and sword replicas such as those from the anime favourites Elucidator and Dark Repulser.

Call today or lose yourself in our online collection, helpfully broken down into categories that include Armoury, Wall Art, Soft Toys, and Cosplay. You can browse our New Arrivals section as well. If you have any questions, just ask, and a member of our team will be happy to help you.

Hobby Zone: your online home for sword art and online swords.